Flowering Heart

Your heart knows its home
Drumming up enChanting Stories
with Maureen Muldoon and Melodie Eve
Join Maureen Muldoon the founder of SpeakEasy and Voice Box along with Melodie Eve of Divine Awakening
For a wellness workshop on the healing power of telling your story. We will begin with a short talk on storytelling
A drumming meditation with guided questions
And a time for writing and sharing.
It’s time to tell your truth.
Energy Worker * Teacher * Healer * Sound Therapist
Melodie Eve is passionate about serving and empowering the community by sharing high vibrational offerings that assist in balancing and healing the system from trauma, PTSD, anxiety, stress, and pain. She combines wisdom from various ancient traditions, including Indian medicine, Chinese medicine, and shamanism alongside some of the most traditional and popular methods of sound healing. Aside from offering experiential classes on sound healing, she also shares transformative vibrations at a domestic abuse shelter, as well as at various locations in group meditation sessions, and during private one-of-a-kind sound therapy bodywork sessions; all of which invite the mind/body/energy to return to a balanced state, bringing self love, creative recovery, and alignment with higher-self wisdom.
Maureen Muldoon wants to help you find and honor your voice.
She is a powerful, entertaining and impactful teacher and speaker. Creating and offering memorable talks and workshops that are packed with information and inspiration. Her refreshing humor and spot-on storytelling honed during her twenty years in TV and film, make her an audience favorite.
As a spiritual life coach and A Course in Miracles teacher, she understands the importance of the word and she is passionate about helping you find the words to liberate your truth.
August 16, 7- 9PM