Flowering Heart
Your heart knows its home
Sound with Mindful Moving Meditation
with Yolanda Lozano
Longer days and increased Summer activity can wear out the body and activate the busyness of the mind leading to irritation and anxiousness.
In this class we blend mindfulness with breath, movement and sound, to calm the mind and increase vitality.
There will be an opportunity to rest and connect with the group.
Bring a beverage in a closed container and wear comfortable clothing
Yolanda is the founder of
Healing Hearts which provides:
-tools for self healing and empowerment,
-Sound Healing workshops with spiritual tools to heal body, mind, and nervous system,
-Personal intuitive sessions with Oracle card readings.
Yolanda is the author of
"Living Connected to Love"
which is available on Amazon.
Visit her website at:
Saturday June 18th