Flowering Heart

Your heart knows its home

A Birthday Soiree & Book Launch
with Maureen Muldoon & Rhine Schaub
Join us for story, song and Sandcastle Birthday Book Launch!
We'll begin with a reading of the newly released book, "Life of a Sandcastle." The soiree continues with your songs, stories, music, poetry or unique talent that you would like to share at this event. Relax and enjoy the offerings or jump in and share.
Bring food and/or non-alcoholic beverages for the pot-luck.
Mingle with the community in a beautiful space.
Receive a birthday treat!
Friday, May 20th, 6-8pm
Love offering appreciated.

The Life of a Sandcastle is a brilliantly simple allegory that presents the cycle of life and death at a level that is accessible to folks of all ages. This rhyming tale takes us on a journey that explores a day in the life of a sandcastle who finds that she is not just a little sandcastle, but one with the entire ocean. An inspiring story for all who struggle with loss. Based on the teachings of a Course in Miracles.
Maureen Muldoon is an American actress, spiritual teacher, author, and life coach. In 2011, she founded Speakeasy Spiritual Community in Western Springs, Illinois, where she is currently the spiritual mother. She is an internationally recognized teacher of A Course In Miracles. She is also the founder of Voicebox Stories, a story event with a musical twist that she has produced alongside Cathy Richardson of Jefferson Starship since 2013. Her published work includes plays such as Booby Trap: The Very Breast Show in Town and Trans-Parent Love and the memoirs titled Giant Love Song and The Spiritual Vixen’s Guide to an Unapologetic Life. As a former actress, she spent 20 years in Hollywood working in TV and film.
Rhine Stone Schaub is currently enrolled at Columbia College Chicago where he studies art, voice over acting and film writing.