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Letter to the Community
FHC is transforming

With great reluctance, we are closing our beautiful physical space in Wheaton as of Saturday, August 27th. The energetic and financial outlays required to hold, run and maintain this wonderful and vibrant Center have grown beyond what we can sustain, and so we have decided to move the Flowering Heart Center forward to its next form without a central physical location. We’ll continue to offer our Monday Night Community Circles online after we close on August 27, and will expand our online offerings as resources permit and Community demand requires. In order to continue raising consciousness, and to build and expand this beautiful human Community, we also hope to hold events from time to time in physical venues where and as time and circumstances make possible.

Our Mission remains unchanged: to create and hold a Sacred Space for community healing and transformation into expanded Consciousness. To this end, we plan to continue to offer a full range of community-centered meditation, education and spiritual growth offerings on an online basis. 

We began holding Sacred Space in our home over 22 years ago, creating the broadest possible range of spiritual and personal-growth offerings for our Community. In 2013 we were formally established as a Not For Profit Charitable Organization. The Center was moved into our present location four years ago to continue to accommodate and serve this growing, vibrant base of like-minded friends. Over this entire time, thousands of people have walked through the doors to experience, share and grow together in the energy we have held together.

The support and participation of this beautiful community has been truly amazing over the years; since 2009 we have not missed holding a single Monday night event except for Christmas and New Year’s days. Through the years we’ve been blessed to have an amazing series of spiritual Masters, teachers and healers come and share their insights and gifts in powerful events, practices and experiences – in fact, many of them started building their Chicago-area followings at our Center.

We are grateful to every single one of our wonderful and generous Directors who have supported us and guided FHC over the years. We are grateful to all of you who have volunteered your time and talent to this community. We’re grateful to everyone who has sat in this sacred space – know that your presence has made a difference here. All of that energy is not going away but it is transforming into something else.

Without the energy and resources that have tied us to a physical space, we expect something new and beautiful to emerge. We’ll see what Spirit has in mind for us. We are still here and still committed to raising consciousness and creating community. We are deeply grateful for every single person who has walked through our doors and contributed their energy to this beautiful space. 

We will celebrate all that FHC has brought into our lives with a party in August (date to follow soon). Please join us for food, dancing and a ritual to express our gratitude and close our beautiful physical space.

In celebration, we offer this writing from one of our Board Members – Will Bennett, the Barefoot Poet: 
Life brings flux,

And besides Love,
It is the one certainty 

Within this sea
Of impermanency

That our souls
Have come for a while
To be embodied ~    

Such an extraordinary gift
This Blessing is;

And, just as the caterpillar
Transforms into a butterfly, 

The ending of one thing
Is a new beginning for another thing 

An opportunity
For a brand new growth experience; 

And while the caterpillar
May mourn its own death, 

The butterfly celebrates
As a new life birthed 

So it is now
With Flowering Heart Center

A certain chapter of a book has ended,
But the story continues on
In yet another chapter,
Another volume, 

For Flowering Heart Center
Is not a place 

But rather flowering within the center
Of each one of your hearts 

Where Love has touched
With Grace 

And as such,
Everywhere Love goes,
There you are ~ 


And so it is right now,
As we grieve and mourn
As caterpillar,

We formulate within our cocoon
What this new transformation may appear like 

Where we shall emerge anew,
Embodied within a new form ~ 

Our butterfly, yet to be seen…
  (copyright 2022, Will Bennett,The Barefoot Poet)

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