Flowering Heart
Your heart knows its home
Career Launch
Job Search skills - inner & outer wizardry
with Patrick Christopher
Part 1 in a 3 part series to find a fulfilling job that fits your set of values and requirements. Sometimes we accept jobs that we know are not good for us because we feel like we need the income right now. Or, you may already be in a job that you know doesn't work for you and not able to find the motivation to look elsewhere. Learn the basic skills for landing the job that's right for you. Patrick Christoper will share his job search secrets, support you in following your inner guidance and help to inspire you to take action now.
Patrick has extensive experience in searching, interviewing and accepting jobs. He has 7 years of professional experience working for multi-billion-dollar corporations. During a period of unemployment, he became expert in the job seeking experience. He interviewed with 14 different companies and received 9 job offers in 8 weeks. Patrick earned bachelor's degrees in both Economics and English from Northern Illinois University. He brings not only practical skills but a compassionate joyful presence that is highly contagious. He is passionate about helping others achieve their full potential through their job search.
3 Saturdays: 10/9, 10/16, 10/23
10:00am - 3PM
$50 per session or $100 for all 3.