Flowering Heart

Your heart knows its home
8 Week Transformational Workshop
with Harmony Polo (Amrit Manter Kaur)
An eight-week transformational program that will align your body, mind and spirit to your inner causeless joy
In this 8 week program, you will be guided through a self empowerment program of Kundalini Yoga & sound healing, where you will be guided on upgrading your diet to allow more positive energies to flow through you, activate your throat chakra to be able to express your true feelings, understand how to set healthy boundaries and more. This 8 week program provide the transformation you have been searching for, body, mind and spirit.
“The level in which you show up is the level in which you are ready to receive.” ~Harmony Halberg Polo~
By fully immersing yourself into this 8 week commitment, you will be committing to your growth, healing and evolution on all levels. In this program, everything suggested will be key’s to unlock your true inner happiness. Once you take this step towards self empowerment, life will never be the same. This is where causeless joy resides.
What you will receive:
1. 8 workshop’s designed for the unlocking, awakening, healing and transformation ($800 value)
2. 7 Weekly online one hour private session ($875 value)
3. Kundalini Yoga- a formulation of body movements called Kriya’s that are designed for breath activation and energy expansion.
4. Sound Healing- we will end each session with a gong bath, crystal bowl activation which will be accompanied by Harmony’s angelic voice. ($200 value)
5. Empowerment tools-tools and techniques you can take home with you to use as your daily practice.
6. Dietary suggestions to open the Nadis (energy channels that need to be cleared and opened for awakening & healing)

Transformation comes in many different forms, emotions and energies. Your commitment to this 8 week transformational process will be guided by Harmony Halberg Polo (Amrit Maner Kaur) who has over 10 years of experience in deep spiritual studies and practices. She has been initiated by several teachers on her path through India and Bali. She is currently studying under the wing of Guru Jagat, HariJiwan and Tej Kaur Khalsa from Rama Institute in Venice CA.
By signing up for the full 8 week transformation course, you are signing up for your own growth, development and healing. You are accepting to enter into a space of self responsibility and integrity with yourself and all beings in all aspects of life. You are choosing to allow new energies to work through you.
Event Details
Fridays, October 11- November 29
7:00 - 9:00PM
November 29th class is longer- 6-10PM
The full transformational workshop experience is $800 (value $1875). Drop in rate: $50 (1 workshop and daily teaching)
Register 1-630-780-0053 or globalcitizen@harmonypolo.com