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The Inward Spiral

A Pilgrimage with Kristin Panek

in Southwestern France

 Are You Ready for Adventure?

The heart is always ready for adventure... Come with me and step out of your day-to-day life with its own set of patterns and issues.  Step into the magic of the French Pyrenees. See what is possible here where many of our ancestors have walked and ancient ones have left their mark. Immerse yourself, recalibrate, and then come back into your life with fresh enthusiasm, feeling more connected and clear.

Often it takes stepping into unknown territory to more easily access the unfamiliar regions of your authentic self; to wake up the dormant parts inside and feel more alive. Your DNA is influenced by your environment and, in turn, the environment is impacted by you. If you've been around a 2-year old recently, you'll have experienced how the child mutates their environment. â€‹Begin your journey by placing your feet in soil that you've never walked in before. Experience a deep sense of connection and healing within your soul, which in turn, brings blessings and healing to the land.


Each step is a practice in following your intuition, moving in the direction of your intention. Learn to trust the gentle nudges that say, 'Go this way.' Feel the joy of being in a land where the energies greatly support you.



Kristin has walked this territory and has experienced many miracles showing that life is always supporting us. She has also walked across Northern Spain, the length of Portugal and parts of Italy. In that process she has deepened her trust in life and in her internal guidance. She's found that everything falls away and what is left is what matters - authenticity, connection, clarity of purpose, trust and a sense of confidence.

On this sacred Pilgrimage, she will guide you on hikes each day and also through internal processes, so you'll have the opportunity to integrate the learnings. She is leading a small group of up to 8 people so that there will be plenty of support for each participant to explore their inner depths, surrounded by breathtaking outer beauty.


Ask yourself how it would be for you to walk these magical lands, become recalibrated, connected, clear, and then bring that back to your life at home.
Take this unique chance to return to what really matters in your life.



"As soon as you step on the path, the Way appears" - Rumi


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We'll begin with a couple of calls to prepare you for this experience. One of them will be a personal Human Design session with Kristin! She will support you in claiming your intentions for this journey and in aligning with your design to more effectively meet challenges that may arise. This trip includes transportation to and from Toulouse airport, 3 nights at Les Contes near Montsegur, and 4 nights at LaValDieu. All breakfasts are included, as well as 5 dinners and 4 lunches. Also included are admission costs to sites that we visit, local guides where appropriate and transportation to and from each location. The internal part of this journey includes powerful processes in sacred space as well as guided movement.  Kristin will also host a call a few weeks after the journey to support your integration.


While staying at Les Contes we will initiate our journey in the mysterious and powerful Cathar Initiation caves. We'll also hike to the top of Montsegur. This is Cathar country - the land of early Christians who practiced deep love for all beings, equality among all people and a direct connection to Spirit. Mary Magdalene originally brought these teachings to France and her energy is very alive here. Since Cathars didn't recognize the Pope or the church hierarchy, Pope Innocent III instigated a Crusade and an inquisition to exterminate them. in 1244, the Cathar leaders made their last stand at Montsegur and walked into the burning fields with arms linked and singing.  Amazingly, the energy here is extraordinary - not what you would expect.


We'll spend 4 nights in LaValDieu, a name which means Valley of God. This beautiful hamlet lies near Rennes Le Chateau and was a favorite of the Druids in ancient times. There is a long history of mysticism here and the land is blessed with beautiful energy. We'll hike to the natural green labyrinth in Naebis. We'll also drive through the spectacular Gorge de Galamas and then walk to Chappelle de l'ermite, which is carved into the rock.  We'll visit Chateau Queribus which rests on the top of a hill and provides spectacular views of the surrounding countryside. This chateau housed one of the last surviving Cathar communities before they left to escape persecution. 


On May 17, a local expert will guide us through Rennes Le Chateau, a place shrouded in mystery and a place of strong energy. This includes the highly unusual church dedicated to Mary Magdalene, the museum and castle. We'll visit the area of Rennes Les Baines and walk either to the Madeline fountain or the Trembling Rocks. 


Each day will include a mix of walking and  group activities, internal work and/ or movement. You will be guided on these walks and internal processes by Kristin, assisted by Elsa Ferrier. Elsa offers yoga retreats of her own so she brings valuable experience and a beautiful presence. She may also offer some yoga classes to support with integrating the walking and internal work. 


ABOUT Kristin  - Sacred Journey Guide and Alchemist

Kristin Panek is the Founder and Spiritual Director of Flowering Heart Center (FHC), a not-for-profit in Oak Brook, IL.  After 20 years in a successful Management career at Ameritech, Kristin left to pursue transformational work with Women, involving Rites of Initiation into the Divine Feminine.  While facilitating this work and receiving extensive training in India for 20 years, she founded FHC to support community healing and transformation into higher states of consciousness,. She is also an ordained interfaith Minister of the Seraphic Order of the Flowering Heart and is a bestselling author of 3 books on Spiritual Leadership.


As a Human Design Consultant and Facilitator, Kristin supports her clients to dive deeply into their design and to appreciate their unique wiring and how it will lead them towards their goals. Her clients feel empowered and gain a deeper understating and reverence for their true selves. ​​​


ABOUT Elsa  -  Sacred Journey Support Artisan

Elsa Ferreira, known in the yoga world as Amalenime Shakti Yoga, is a dedicated Yoga Teacher, Meditation Instructor, Holistic Coach, Retreat Facilitator, and dõTERRA Wellness Consultant. She is also a mother, explorer of ancient traditions, student of Universal Laws, observer of emotions, and a nature lover. Her journey inspires all who seek balance and well-being. 

Elsa is the founder of the Sangha "Yoga & Meditação In Crescendo," a community offering a holistic and integrative approach to yoga and personal transformation. Elsa’s work blends ancient wisdom with modern well-being practices, guiding her students and clients to reconnect with their authentic selves. She believes deeply in the transformative power of yoga, meditation, and intentional living. Her teaching philosophy is rooted in the idea that happiness is a path, not a destination. Elsa’s own life is a continuous journey of growth, harmony, and sharing — and she welcomes everyone to join her in this sacred space of transformation, where breath, movement, and purpose converge.

Dates and Pricing

May 12 - May 19, 2025

Must be ready for pickup at Toulouse airport by 1:30pm on May 12. Return to airport by noon on May 19th.


Trip price $3888 for double occupancy. A limited number of single rooms are available for  $4222. 

Earlybird Price - Sign up by February 15: $3699 for double and $3999 for single.


Limit - 8 participants

This initial journey is offered at an affordable price. As this is Kristin's first time offering it, she is making it as accessible as possible.


Register Now
Reserve your spot with a Deposit of $800
and a phone call with Kristin (to be sure you are truly ready to make this journey). The registration link below will take you to an application form and to a scheduling link for the call.


We hope you'l join us!

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