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Sound Healing Workshop with Yolanda

 In person only

This is an experiential workshop where you will learn to activate the sound and vibrational frequency
that is specifically yours to carry in your daily life.


You will learn how sound affects you holistically, 
example: your body's aches and pains may be significantly reduced.
Most importantly, you will have the opportunity to slow your mind and create a peaceful space to access your innate healing wisdom.


The subtle vibrational healing of the Alchemy and Himalayan singing bowls, and several instruments will support a grounding and safe experience.


Please bring a yoga mat, a bolster or pillow, and a blanket, 
as you will be resting for a long period of time.
Wear comfortable clothes.


Please register to attend since space is limited.
Personal space is available to ensure 6" distance 


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Event Details

Friday, January 7th, 7-8:30PM




Yolanda is the founder of Yolanda Healing Hearts which provides:

tools for self healing and empowerment,

Sound Healing workshops with spiritual tools to heal body and mind,

Personal sessions with Oracle card readings.

She is the author of "Living Connected to Love" which is available on Amazon.

Visit her website at:


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